As a token of our appreciation for your support, we're excited to offer you an exclusive TKO hoodie to set the tone for the year ahead. This hoodie t-shirt was designed to be your shield against the chill in the warehouse, conference center, or wherever your tradeshow journey takes you.

Every year, as winter arrives, we observe many individuals on show floors and in warehouses enduring either freezing temperatures or resorting to full winter parkas that limit their mobility. Being part of the trade show industry ourselves and witnessing our team grapple with these comfort challenges, we designed the 'TKO' hoodie—a Design to Print initiative to provide our staff and customers with a warm, comfortable embrace. It's not too hot, not too cold—just right.

We introduced DTP's TKO hoodies in 2018, and now, they have become our annual way of expressing gratitude to our customers during the holidays.

It brings a smile to our faces when we arrive on-site in Las Vegas, whether at a customer's shop or a tradeshow floor, and see many people sporting our TKO hoodies. Produced from the highest quality materials, these hoodies were designed with the kind of quality we would wear ourselves.

We are looking forward to the 2024 tradeshow kickoff, starting on January 9th with the opening of CES.

If we haven't already provided you with your hoodies, please don't hesitate to call or email your DTP sales representative or fill out the form below!

At the core of our philosophy is the belief in building strong partnerships and exceptional experiences. The 3D cube logo signifies the solid foundation we create by working hand in hand with you. Together, we construct displays that are not only visually stunning but also drive tangible results. The cube structure mirrors that in every collaboration.

Ready to kickoff the year in style?

Secure your limited edition TKO hoodie now by filling out the form below. Connect with us and be part of a community that knows how to make a lasting impact in the tradeshow industry. Let’s make it the BEST year yet!